How to take over the world.
Do I know how to take over the world?
Yes, but I don’t really want to take over The World, this place is a beautiful, wonderful cluster fuck and anyone ambitious and crazy can go right ahead. What world I am willing to take over is the one I’m living the one that for most recently I have set to be on default. That’s the world I want to plan for, the world I want to take over.
There is a book that I read and loved that gives practical schemes and scientific solutions on how to take over the actual world, because clearly there is a bit of ‘supervillany’ in me (At least I did the shadow work, to know that part of me does exist). The Book is here. Anyway I’m not interested in the entire world, I just want to take over my personal world.
I have been reading and doing a lot of inner work, my YouTube is full for all the self help people, but nothing is going to change in my world unless I want it to change. I think it is time. I’ve been afraid of what people might think of my ideas, about what I decided to put on, or even care what I have to say, however everyone is self involved and could really give 2 shits about my life and how I choose to conduct it. Newsflash, we live in an age where people’s attention span is short enough for you to be yourself and do what makes you happy because there will soon be something else to grab their attention. It is no longer if you don’t like it you can change the channel, it is now, if you don’t like it swipe up, or swipe left.
“It is no longer if you don’t like it you can change the channel, it is now, if you don’t like it swipe up, or swipe left.”
I designed a journal/planner that encompasses just what I want to do, change my world. A lesson I learned from reading The Alchemist is that if you tell the truth about what you are doing, people never believe you. So just keep doing what you want to to do and don’t worry about anyone taking you seriously until it too late, you will already have been happy for awhile.
Just believe in yourself, make plans and before long you will take over the world.