Pre Covid Life, do you still want that?
It’s warm outside and I set up my desk outside on the balcony, why you ask?
Partly because it’s beautiful outside and sitting inside looking out the window keeps me wanting and longing to go outside. The other reason is to set my thoughts and my body with what it would feel like to really work from anywhere, especially somewhere warm where the drinks show up once one drink is finished.
I see all these commercials and businesses talking about getting to go back outside, and if you look carefully they are saying return to life as it was. But were you really happy with what life was before? Do you really want to be stuck in the office on days that look like this? ( it would have been a sick day for me had I been in the office.) I felt like we spent all our time working in a building to pay for things home that we never got to use. We spent most of our time with people who weren’t our families, we weren’t really living.
Nope, Nah, I want something better. Something I get to choose. I’ve gotten to know myself, better. I’ve gotten to know my son better, even the dog better. Post-Covid, can I even say that? Things are not that important, what’s really important is what makes me happy, doing better with less and all-around happiness. This life where I put happiness first, my health and wellbeing first is something I claim to continue to maintain.
What do you choose today to make your life better than it was pre-covid 19?